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Shipping Policy

At Rapidoes, our commitment is to provide fast, reliable, and secure shipping services. We cover California and Nevada, offering various shipping options including same-day, next-day, and scheduled deliveries. Our policy ensures that your parcels are handled with utmost care and efficiency from the moment they are picked up until delivery.

We strive to meet delivery timelines but acknowledge that unforeseen circumstances such as weather conditions or logistical challenges may cause delays. In such cases, we will communicate promptly and work diligently to resolve the issue.

For special handling or urgent deliveries, please contact our customer service team who will assist in arranging the appropriate service. Additional charges may apply for specific requests or expedited services.

Our shipping rates are determined based on the parcel's weight, dimensions, and destination. Detailed pricing information is available on our website or through our customer service.

Please ensure that delivery information is accurate to avoid delays. In the event of a return due to incorrect address or unavailability of the recipient, re-shipping fees may apply. For further details, please refer to our Return Policy.

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